Reward Positive Action.

Incentivising sustainable action is at the core of Everclime’s mission.
Everclime’s platform is a marketing solution connecting and rewarding climate conscious customers through the brands they love.

What are Rewards?
  • Rewards are offerings of value from an organisation to an Climate Conscious Customer.
  • Examples could include discounts, early access, competition prizes, VIP experiences, reduced fees and traditional marketing activities or timed offers.
Who is a Rewards Provider?
  • Reward Providers are Organisations or Business looking engage with Customers
  • Anyone looking Generate leads, promote sustainable initiatives and reward positive action.
How are Rewards Offered?
  • Decide Reward
  • Attach to Impact Certificates
  • Customer Engages
  • Reward Redeemed
Where are Rewards offered?
  • Everclime's App is a brand safe, no UGC environment, offering organisations and qualified and controlled digital landscape to engage with customers.
  • Rewards are attached to Impact Certificates and appear in the individuals Everclime wallet upon purchase.

Reward Provider Benefits.

Promote Sustainable Action

Connecting your organisation to a nature positive cause, promoting sustainable action.

Sustainability Advertising

Entry into a new advertising space under sustainability. Doing good while reaching your customers.

Increase Customer Traffic

Increased customer footfall of climate conscious customers.

Tangible Action

Every customer and lead is actually making a tangible impact.

Become a Reward Provider.

Please express you interest here and use the power of your brand to incentivise impact action.

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